Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It's a new year

Well, it seems that time flies very quickly especially for one like me, whose been involved in so many things in the past year. I started the year with the news that I got into USP and then one by one, the days flashed past and all of a sudden, in the middle of the year, I’m participating in one of the biggest productions I have ever been in, i.e. Malaga: The Journey 2006. From there, time seemed to just pass me even quicker and once again, we’re celebrating Christmas and New Years.

So here I am, reminiscing about last year and thinking about this year. I’ll be a second year student in uni and it’s a very scary thought for me, meeting the new kids into the Journalism department and showing them the goings of the newsroom. And of course, I’ll be writing even more stories and stuff like that, the second years have to take over the reins of the editorial posts in Wansolwara, and I’m aiming for either a place in the arts and media page or photos editor which will of course be contested between Jone or Paradise and Rahul.

Then there’s my radio work, I’m beginning to get used to the whole idea of working on radio and I’m sure that it’ll help with my work in my JN 201 radio class with Pat who is very familiar with my work on Radio Pasifik. I want to prepare my shows for like a month and show it to Shirley so that she’s familiar with what I’m talking about. I want to break up my spheres into History, Art and Media. In History, I’ll be talking about historical events that could be of interest to the USP community and the city at large. Then in Art, I’ll look into profiling artists in history and even those who are making a big to do in the world today, and then I’ll also profile art events that are happening in the city, this can be done with the help of Kulcha Vulcha. In media, I’ll look at previewing movies, talking about actors and actresses unknown to the major media industry and even focus on movies that are just unknown to the USP community.

Of course I’ll play the best songs we have to offer in Radio Pasifik, but then with the introduction of the new system, it’ll play a song from different genres and not always the fancy ones I like. The new system will of course make things much easier for us to play all the songs in the library. In this way, we will truly become a community station that plays a wide range of songs from all genres and all corners of the world. We will still be doing simulcasts with Radio Australia and hopefully, I will get training from Tai for that because I wouldn’t mind doing something like that. I need to get a letter of recommendation from Shirley and maybe Taitusi too so I can place an application with FBCL for some work in either mainstream radio or news reporting.

I look back at my results from last year and one thing strikes me, I failed several classes because I was too involved in so many things. I need to prioritize my work. My JN work this year won’t be as hands on as it was last year but still with our work in the editorial team, things won’t be easy for me this year. I’m thinking about changing my second major from HP to Arts or something familiar. That was I can work towards my idea of working as an Events Journalist, critiquing plays and going to art galleries and stuff like that. Our papers need movie previewing and I’m up for it. I’m just glad that

And then there’s Malaga. This year, the choir will be preparing for South Korea and it will be a very hectic year for us, trying to raise funds for the trip and of course there are the two graduation services this year. I’m looking at only singing for the April graduation because I need the time in the October graduation to prepare for my exams. Sometime next week, I’m gonna go to school and check out registrations. If SAS is not open then I’ll just go to the station and ask whoever’s on the iMac to give me a few minute to register for semester one.

Dad and mum retire in April and I want to pass all my courses with either A’s or B’s, nothing else, because I want to apply for a scholarship. I’m gonna need to gather all my documents, including a letter from the D.C. confirming Mum and Dad’s retirement from active service and also a letter from school confirming that I am a USP student. I’ll have to fill out the form with someone’s help (maybe Paul) and then I’ll hand it in at the office for semester two intakes.


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